13 Alarming Things All New Homesteaders Should Know (#5 could save you thousands)

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Are you planning to become a full-time homesteader?

Then, you really need to think it out fully, as homesteading can be overwhelming.

But, it’s rewarding at the same time if you consider growing your own crops and livestock for sustenance.

And, for me, homesteading is even beyond that. It’s a spiritual journey that lets me celebrate the finer things in life and teleports me straight to a different world amidst the hustle and bustle.

So, I’ve decided to give you some pieces of advice that you must know before getting started.

This powerful list of 13 alarming things every homesteader should know can change your mindset drastically.

Once you understand and implement the following things, your life is going to change dramatically as a budding homesteader.

You can either stick to your decision or leave it after reading the following section but you won’t be in dilemma anymore and that I’m sure about.

So, let’s get started!

1. Homesteading Is A Colossal Challenge (don’t say I didn’t tell you so)

If you thought homesteading was going to be a walk in the park then you thought wrong.

It’s tiring, it’s hard!

You really have to change your mindset and truly understand what you are getting yourself into before you take that dive into full-time homesteading.

2. You Don’t Have To Be Rich… But Homesteading Is NOT Cheap

Homesteading is an investment that requires a proper budget.

And if you’re in debt, homesteading isn’t the right thing for you at the moment. So, make sure you get out of debt before getting started as homesteading could be EXPENSIVE.

You Don’t Have To Be Rich… But Homesteading Is NOT Cheap

If you desire to live the homestead lifestyle, you definitely can and should.

But… I recommend having a nice nest egg for any expenses and emergencies that life throws at you.

3. Pick Something Small & Take That First Step

Homesteading is a steady process that you’ll enjoy the most by starting small and exactly from where you are.

For example, you can start growing a few vegetables at first and then expand as you wish. It’s important not to be overwhelmed initially as that can spoil all the fun.

So, taking baby steps will be the best idea.

4. You Will Need To Love Learning

Homesteading isn’t only about gardening skills but much more than that.

It requires carpentry, food preservation, and a lot of other skills that only a good learner can adapt. So, you have to become a perpetual student who’s keen on learning new stuff every day.

Accepting feedback is really important to improve the results as you go. And sometimes you’ll fail, which is nothing to worry about.

As they say, practice is the key to success.

5. Get Around People Who Are Already Doing It

There are lots of references when it comes to choosing a sustainable lifestyle.

You can get a mentor or a buddy, join a homestead community, ask local homesteaders and grow your connections this way.

Even Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods had a mentor, so you need one too.

Making friends with other homesteaders and getting starts from other people really helps, trust me. You need to find your own tribe.

Taking this step can literally save you thousands by learning from people who have lived the homestead lifestyle for years!

6. Planning Is Required For Success

Planning is synonymous with success in terms of gardening and homesteading.

Planning Is Required For Success

So, always plan ahead but make sure your plans are realistic. And setting goals with target dates is equally important.

Yes, you need clear goals!

Otherwise, you will be standing in front of an utter mess and all your effort will go in vain.

7. Take MASSIVE Action, But You MUST Learn When To Be Patient

Slow and steady wins the race, as the saying goes.

So, don’t be in a hurry and wait for the right time to grow your crops. Patience is something that you really need because homesteading is a journey, not a destination.

So yes, patience is a virtue….

But… when it is time, you should immediately put your work boots, dig in, and take MASSIVE action!ed to take immediate decisions and massive actions.

8. Other People Will Think You Are A Weirdo

Don’t waste your time thinking about what others say.

Because, the truth is, some people will think you’re crazy. And maybe that’s normal because we live in a diverse world.

Disconnecting from all that is “normal” will cause many to turn their heads, but don’t waver.

All that matters is how much passion and dedication you have as a budding homesteader.

Nothing else should matter, actually.

9. Simplifying Your Life Causes Efficiency

Homesteading and a lavish lifestyle can’t go hand in hand unless you are rich.

The fact is, homesteading is all about minimalism in terms of your expenses on the latest gadgets, trendy outfits, and other things. You will need to simplify your life so that no extra spending can drain your bank account.

You really need to keep a track of your expenditure and invest wisely in your garden. Because you’ll need to invest in homesteading tools, fertilizers, and many other things you may have not even heard of!

This is how you’ll find sustenance as a homesteader.

10. You Will Have To Master Your Kitchen

If you’re a businessman, your office is where you build your future.

But, when you are a homesteader, the kitchen is where the magic happens. So you need to get really comfortable in there… you will be spending a whole lot of time in there!

You Will Have To Master Your Kitchen

You’ll need to learn food preservation techniques, livestock feeding techniques, and much more.

And the kitchen is the most ideal place for all these tasks.

11. You Should Only Grow What You KNOW You Will Eat

There are plenty of options for growing in your homestead but you have to be selective.

After all, there’s no point in growing a veggie or fruit that you don’t eat. So, just pick things that you enjoy eating the most or that you need on a daily basis.

Also, make sure you don’t grow anything that you’re allergic to.

Else, you’ll need to throw the entire batch, which is really frustrating for a grower.

12. Have Fun And Know This Is A Journey, Not A Destination

When you’re homesteading, you discover new things around every corner.

So, enjoy the journey without chasing the destination. Don’t forget to set up a cozy corner where you can relax a bit with a cup of coffee while planning for the garden, plants, and livestock.

Not a coffee person? Then, maybe some fun games with your homesteader partner?

13. With Homesteading, The Rewards Are Great (just keep going)

From watching your seeds turn into seedlings to harvesting when the crops are ready, every single moment of homesteading is rewarding.

Spending quality time with family creates a bond you just can not break.

And that’s why the process fascinates homesteaders season after season. So, just keep going!

Common Homesteading Activities

Here are some common homesteading activities to let you know what to expect day-to-day.

  • Sustainable energy generation
  • Keeping livestock (chicken, goats, pigs, cows, bees, etc.)
  • Preserving and canning
  • Fishing and hunting
  • Maintaining tractors and other equipment
  • Chopping firewood and forestry
  • Producing milk products like cheese and butter


Homesteading is becoming more popular these days and many people are looking forward to it as a sustainable lifestyle.

But, the truth is, it’s not ideal for everyone. It can be enjoyed only when you choose to put in a maximum amount of blood, sweat, and sometimes, tears!

But, don’t be upset as the journey itself will keep you motivated.

And now that you know the 13 alarming factors of homesteading, you’re light years ahead of other new homesteaders. And once you’re able to get a hang of it, the results will be rewarding and fascinating.

Once you’re all set with your farm, you can slowly start making money as well!

Below is a Pinterest friendly photo…. so you can pin it to your Homestead Lifestyle Board!!

13 Alarming Things All New Homesteaders Should Know - Pinterest