Can Chickens Eat Oranges?

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Can chickens eat oranges? Yes, they definitely can.

But are oranges safe for your flock? Again, the answer is YES!

Oranges are one of those nutritious fruits that your flock should have in moderation.

I feed my chickens oranges in Ninja Homestead and they quite like the juicy, pulpy citrus.

But, how to feed chickens oranges? And what are the health benefits of oranges for chickens?

I’ll share everything about chickens and oranges as you scroll down!

Can Chickens Eat Orange Peels?

Chickens can eat oranges but what about the peels? Can chickens eat orange skins or peels? The answer is yes, they can.

In fact, orange skins are highly nutritious and safe for your flock to enjoy.

Orange peels aren’t as tasty as the juicy flesh inside. But, that doesn’t mean they are inedible for your birds. Most probably your chickens will enjoy eating the skins the same way they do with the flesh.

Just like the orange flesh, the skin can protect your chickens from foodborne illness. Also, orange peels can save your chickens from a harmful bacteria named salmonella.

This bacteria is found in the guts of chickens and other animals.

Orange skins contain oil, which is essential for the immunity of your birds. Feeding them orange peels occasionally will save them from viruses, bacteria, and pest attacks.

Moreover, your chickens will benefit from the cleansing properties of the oil to prevent a disease named pathogens.

But, let’s not deny that orange peels are quite hard as compared to the flesh. To make them edible and safe for your chickens, you need to chop them into tiny bite-size pieces.

Or, you can leave a whole piece of skin in their feeding area so that they can freely peck at it when feeling bored.

Can Chickens Eat Orange Seeds?

Yes, chickens can eat orange seeds because they are as nutritious as the flesh. But, whether your chickens will enjoy orange seeds are not will depend on their choice.

Some animals dislike the bitter taste of citrus seeds and they discard them usually.

Can Chickens Eat Orange Seeds?

But, if you see that your chickens are eating orange seeds, there’s no worry. The only thing that you need to be strict about is the amount.

If your chickens eat too many orange seeds, they might not be able to process and digest them.

Orange seeds are full of fiber, which can aid the bowel movements of your birds. Also, the seeds contain essential vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids.

These can benefit your chickens in multiple ways.

If you see that your chickens aren’t liking orange seeds, that’s okay. I won’t suggest you force them to eat orange seeds or anything that they dislike.

Instead, you can provide them only orange flesh and the skin as these are equally nutritious.

Is Citrus Okay For Chickens?

Yes, citrus fruits are okay for chickens. These fruits are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that can benefit chickens like us. So, you can feed your chickens citrus in moderation.

While introducing citrus to the diet of your chickens, make sure you measure the amount. If you feed your chickens too many citrus fruits initially, it can upset their stomach.

Instead, you need to feed very small portions in the beginning so that your chickens get used to it.

But, some homesteaders claim that their chickens dislike the taste of citrus fruits. It’s true with some breeds but not applicable for all. To check whether your chickens are eating citrus or not, you can feed a small portion first.

As I’ve mentioned above, you don’t need to force your chickens on citrus fruits. If you see they are disliking citrus, you can substitute the fruits with other foods.

You can try feeding them tomatoes, bananas, apples, and other healthy fruits.

Another way to feed your chickens citrus is by adding fruits or juices with salads. That way, your birds will benefit from the nutrients and also like their food.

You can add oranges with cucumbers, onions, apples, bananas, and other fruits.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Oranges?

Yes, baby chickens can eat oranges but in moderation. You need to provide a very small portion at first so that they get the hang of it. Then, as your baby chicks grow, you can increase the portion slowly.

Also, you need to know the right portion of oranges for your baby chickens. I usually give one carpel finely chopped once a week. You can do the same or even give half carpel at the beginning.

Health Benefits Of Oranges For Chickens

Can chickens eat oranges?

Yes, they can.

But what are the health benefits of oranges for chickens?

Check it out below:

Improved Heart Health

Oranges contain a good amount of potassium, which can improve the heart health of chickens. In addition, it contains sodium, magnesium, and calcium, which lead to healthy fluid levels. All these minerals together can help your chickens maintain a good heartbeat rate.

Improved Immune System

Vitamins are necessary for the immunity of chickens like us. Among all vitamins, vitamin C is the most essential one for immunity oranges contain a high amount. So, feeding your chickens oranges will boost immunity and save them from cold, flu, and other diseases.

Lowered Cholesterol Level

Chickens are prone to higher cholesterol levels and related diseases. The soluble fiber present in oranges can help your chickens lower and control their cholesterol level. On feeding oranges, the excell cholesterol from their blood usually gets removed from their fecal waste.

Protects Body Cells

The vitamins present in oranges like vitamin C are helpful for the blood cells of chickens. These vitamins make sure no radical build-up is occurring in their blood cells. The chances of chronic diseases such as heart problems will never happen when you feed them oranges.

Improves Skin Health

Oranges are full of healthy antioxidants like flavonoids, carotenoids, and others. These substances play a significant role in protecting the skin cells of chickens. The skins of your chickens will glow with no sign of aging when you include oranges in their diet.

Enhances Vision

Vitamin A is an important macronutrient that improves the vision of chickens. Due to aging, chickens get prone to muscular degeneration in their eyes. When you feed your chickens oranges, vitamin A will gradually prevent such issues and improve their vision.

Cures Constipation

If your chickens are suffering from constipation and digestion issues, you need to feed them oranges. The fiber present in oranges can cure constipation in chickens just like us. Additionally, it can improve their digestive system and boost their metabolism.

Ensures Alkaline Diet

Not only for us but for chickens also, an alkaline diet can lead to a healthy body and mind. Oranges are one such food that can alkalize your chicken’s body. As a result, chronic diseases like heart issues and others will be at bay.

How To Feed Chickens Oranges

Can chickens eat oranges? By now you know the answer! But, do you know what’s the best way of feeding your chickens oranges?

Well, chickens love to peck at a small amount of food. But, if you provide them with a large piece of orange, they might not be able to enjoy it fully. Also, some amount of fruit will be wasted.

That’s why you need to know how to feed your chickens oranges. Here are some ways that I prefer and you can also try them.

Finely Chop the Flesh

It’s probably the best way of treating your chickens with the juicy part of the fruit. All you need to do is finely chop the orange flesh and serve it in a bowl. Your chickens will surely enjoy pecking the treat.

Finely Chop the Skin

Chickens can eat orange skins if you finely chop them. You can provide a small amount of chopped orange skins in their feeding area. They’ll love to peck at the food every now and then.

Grind the Seeds

Chickens don’t have teeth to chew hard foods. So, it’s better to grind the orange seeds before feeding your chickens. But, you need to be very strict about the number of orange seeds.

How Many Oranges Can Chickens Eat?

Well, chickens can eat oranges in moderation. I provide half to one carpel by finely chopping it. And I usually feed my chickens oranges twice a week.

If you’re feeding orange seeds, try to limit the amount to 2-3 seeds per chicken. And a half teaspoon of chopped orange skin is okay for every bird.

Can Chickens Have Orange Juice?

Yes, chickens can have homemade orange juice.

You need to avoid store-bought orange juice as they contain sweeteners and preservatives.

Can Chickens Eat Mandarin Oranges?

Yes, just like us, our chickens can eat mandarin oranges.

But, you need to be careful with the portion you feed.


Can chickens eat oranges? Yes, absolutely. And they will probably enjoy the fruit.

But, be careful with the portion.

If you maintain the portion, your chickens will grow healthily from the essential nutrients present in oranges.

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