Can Chickens Eat Kiwi?

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Can chickens eat kiwi? Yes, kiwi is absolutely safe for chickens.

That’s a sigh of relief for me as I’ve recently grown kiwi plants in my Ninja Homestead.

My birds are already pecking at the fresh, juicy fruits and they’re quite enjoying them.

Probably because of the tangy flavor of kiwi that I’ve seen chickens relishing the most.

Growing chickens is fun as they eat almost anything they find edible.

But, it’s a huge responsibility to make sure what they are eating a safe or not.

And so, can chickens eat the skin and seeds of kiwi? Let us quickly find out for our flock!

Check out these chickens eating kiwi – I love it lol!

Can Chickens Eat Kiwi Skin?

Yes, chickens can eat kiwi skin in moderation as it’s safe for them. Just like the flesh, the skin of the kiwi is full of healthy nutrients and fiber.

Eating kiwi skin will benefit your flock with easy bowel movements and other improvements.

But, let’s not deny that kiwi skin is quite hard than the flesh part. As a result, your chickens may not be able to peck at the skin and leave them. Some chickens in our homestead dislike eating the skins of kiwi due to this reason.

Also, it’s important to check the amount of kiwi skin you want to provide your birds. Kiwi skin isn’t the easiest to process by the delicate digestive tract of chickens. Too much kiwi skin can lead to stomach issues like diarrhea.

Another thing to remember is to wash kiwi skin very well before feeding your birds. Skin is the outer part of the fruit that’s often sprayed with pesticides during cultivation. But, if you can get some organically grown kiwi, there’s no worry.

Can Chickens Eat Kiwi Seeds?

Yes, just like the skin, kiwi seeds are also safe for chickens. The best thing about kiwi seeds is that they are very tiny in size. As a result, chickens can safely digest the seeds without any digestive issues or stomach problems.

Kiwi seeds are dense with nutrients, which are beneficial for your chickens. They contain omega-3 fats, which are considered good fats. Eating kiwi seeds will keep your chickens healthy by improving their heart health.

Since chickens don’t have any problems eating kiwi seeds, you don’t need to remove them anymore. Otherwise, removing such tiny seeds would have been a really difficult task. But, again, too many kiwi seeds aren’t good for your flock.

Health Benefits Of Kiwi For Chickens

The tart-sour taste of kiwi is a favorite of chickens. But, is the fruit as nutritious as tasty? Well, kiwi is packed with essential nutrients that can provide your chicks with a lot of health benefits.

Provides Hydration

Kiwi contains 80 percent of water, which makes it one of the best fruits for hydration. In summer, your chickens will remain hydrated by kiwi if they don’t drink much water. It will also improve the egg formation, digestion, and overall health of your birds.

Health Benefits Of Kiwi For Chickens

Provides Energy

A medium-sized kiwi contains 10.1 grams of carbs and 42 calories. Feeding your chickens a little amount of kiwi will keep them energetic. A high level of energy will help them in their daily activities like walking and running.

Improves Bone Health

Calcium and phosphorus present in kiwi can strengthen the bone structure of chickens. The contraction of muscles and egg quality will also improve from these nutrients. Your chickens will also benefit from a high metabolic process.

Enhances Immunity

The magnesium and vitamin C content of kiwi can enhance the immunity of your chickens. They’ll be at bay from cold and flu if you include kiwi in their diet. A boost of immunity means overall protection from virus and bacteria infection.

Reduce Inflammation

Kiwi is full of antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation in chickens. As a parent, you’ll know that chickens are prone to inflammation. Treating them with antioxidant-rich foods is a must to prevent this health condition.

Enhances Blood Clotting

Good blood clotting is important for chickens just like humans. So, if you feed your chickens with kiwi, the vitamin K present in it will enhance their blood clotting process. Your birds will cure faster from bruises and cuts, which are quite common if they are free-ranging.

Ensures Digestion

As mentioned above, kiwi contains a good amount of fiber. The fruit can help your birds with easy bowel movement and digestion. Also, your chickens will benefit from quick mineral absorption and better water retention.

Improves Muscles

Kiwi contains protein, which is essential for the muscles of your precious birds. Protein can help your chickens to grow muscles and maintain their weight. It will also improve their egg-laying capacity and egg quality.

How To Feed Chickens Kiwi

Can chickens eat kiwi? Yes, it’s evident that they can. Moreover, it’s one of the essential fruits for their overall healthy growth.

But what’s the best way to provide all the nutrients of the fruit to your flock? And in which form will your chicks enjoy kiwi the most? Let us quickly know it!

Whole Kiwi

You can feed your chickens a whole kiwi as the skin and seeds are safe for them. Also, it’ll be a good exercise for your chickens. They’ll start pecking at the skin first and then reach to the flesh inside.

Depending on the mood and habit of your chickens, they’ll either eat the skin or leave it. If you see them disliking the skin, there’s no need to force them. Instead, let them relish the flesh only.

If your chickens are easily digesting the skin, that’s brilliant. But, if you notice loose motion or any other digestive problem, you need to remove the skin. That way, your birds will get all the nutrients without any discomfort.

Cut into Half

If your chickens are having issues pecking at the kiwi skin, you can cut the fruit in half. You can either peel the skin off or keep it and let them enjoy it.

Cutting the fruit into quarters or small pieces is also a better idea if you have a large number of chickens.

Ripe, Fresh Kiwi

You need to make sure that the fruit is ripe and fresh. Unripe kiwi can be harmful to your birds due to its acid content.

Though it won’t kill your birds, it can lead to a lot of health issues as well as poor digestion.

Washing Instructions

Washing the fruit is a must to remove dirt and harmful pesticides.

If you are able to grow kiwi on your homestead, there’s no worry about pesticides.

But, store-bought kiwi can contain some amount of these substances.

How Many Kiwis Can I Feed My Chicken A Day?

Too much kiwi isn’t recommended for your chickens. One kiwi is okay for 4-5 birds once a week. The amount and its nutrients will be sufficient for your chickens.

How Many Kiwis Can I Feed My Chicken A Day?

When introducing kiwi to baby chickens, the amount needs to be less. You can feed half kiwi to 4-5 baby chickens initially.

As they grow up, you can increase the amount gradually up to one fruit per 4-5 birds.

If you feed your chickens too much kiwi, there’ll be a digestive issue.

Also, kiwi contains carbs and calories, which can be harmful in excess amounts. So, you need to be quite strict about the amount of kiwi you can feed your flock.

The best way to keep your chickens healthy is by maintaining a balanced diet.

You can feed time a little amount of kiwi with other fruits like bananas, apples, and strawberries. You need to also provide them with a little amount of oatmeal and other cereals.

Do Birds Eat Fruit And Veg?

Yes, birds love to peck at most fruits and veggies.

Chickens are omnivores by nature, which means they aren’t too picky when it comes to food.

And apart from bugs and insects, fruits and veggies are their staple foods.

What Fruits Are Toxic To Chickens?

Though most fruits are safe for chickens, their plants and other parts are toxic to them.

For example, chickens can eat avocado flesh but not its skin and pit. Similarly, chickens can eat the flesh of apples but the seeds are extremely toxic.

The skins of raw green potatoes are toxic for chickens. Though tomato is absolutely safe for chickens, every part of the plant such as the leaves, flowers, and stems is harmful.

The leaves and pits of apricot are also unsafe for chickens though the fruits are safe.

Moreover, any unripe fruit can be harmful to chickens. Though they might not kill your birds, they can lead to improper digestion and related issues.

So, if you notice your chickens showing such symptoms after pecking at unripe fruits, you can consider contacting a vet.


Can chickens eat kiwi? By now, you already know that they can.

And you also know how the fruit will benefit your flock and what way they’ll enjoy it the most.

Kiwi is one of the best fruits for the healthy growth of your chickens.

But, while ensuring enough nutrition for your birds, don’t forget to measure the amount of kiwi you can feed them.

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