Can Chickens Eat Cherries?

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Can chickens eat cherries? The answer is, YES!

Cherries are full of healthy nutrients that your flock needs.

At Ninja Homestead, cherries make ten percent of the weekly meals for my birds.

And if you want to know how to feed chickens with cherries, scroll down!

Can Chickens Eat Cherries With Pits?

No, chickens usually don’t eat cherries with pits. If you feed your chickens whole cherries, they’ll peck at the flesh and leave the pit.

But, in case your chickens eat a small amount of pit, there’s no chance of fatal health issues.

But, having said that, I’d also like to mention that cherry pits are slightly dangerous for chickens. That’s because cherry pits contain a meager amount of amygdalin. This compound releases a chemical called cyanide once the pits are digested.

For the above reason, a very little amount of cherry pit is okay for chickens. But, at the same time, having too many cherry pits can be poisonous for your birds.

You need to watch out if you see your chickens showing symptoms like vomiting.

Another reason to worry about cherry pits is that they can choke your birds. For this reason, many homesteaders remove the pits while serving cherry to their chickens.

That’ll be the safest way of feeding your chickens cherry.

Can Chickens Eat Cherries Seeds?

No, chickens usually don’t prefer eating cherries seeds. When they peck at the fruit, they leave the pit as they find it inedible.

Can Chickens Eat Cherries Seeds?

But, in some cases, chickens may end up swallowing the seeds, which won’t be harmful.

Still, you need to check for discomfort or symptoms of illness in your chickens after eating cherries seeds.

That’s because cherries seeds have a possibility of choking your birds.

Also, cherries seeds in a high amount are quite harmful as they release cyanide.

Can Chickens Eat Cherries Stems?

Can chickens eat cherry? Yes, they love it. But can they eat the stems as well? I’ll just explain it to you now!

Chickens usually dislike cherries stems and leave them after pecking at the fruit.

Though birds aren’t too picky when it comes to food, they dislike hard items that are difficult to peck at. Instead, they enjoy the tender and tasty flesh and discard the stems.

For this reason, you can serve cherries with stems to your chickens and let them do the rest. It’ll be a good exercise for your chicks also. But, in case your chickens eat cherries stems by chance, there won’t be any severe health issues.

Still, it’s evident that just like cherries pits, the stems also contain amygdalin in a low amount. The cyanide released from cherries stems can affect your chickens if they eat too much.

Otherwise, there’s no need to worry if they eat a very small amount of cherries stems.

Since the skins are the outer part of the fruit, you need to wash them thoroughly before feeding your chickens. Store-bought cherries skins might contain some amount of pesticides, which aren’t safe for chickens.

Otherwise, if the cherries are homegrown or organically grown, there’s no worry.

Check out chickens loving cherries below!

Health Benefits Of Cherries For Your Chickens

Cherries are quite versatile fruits in terms of nutrition.

They contain some rarely found nutrients that can be extremely healthy for chickens.

Here are the health benefits of cherries for chickens:

Boosts Growth

As a caring homesteader, your concern for your flock’s regular growth is natural. The best part is that cherries in moderation can stimulate it faster. Your chickens will grow healthily owing to the vitamin A and calcium content of cherries.

Improves Reproduction

The second concern related to your chicken’s health is the reproduction system and egg-laying capacity. Both will improve as your chickens start to eat cherries occasionally. That’s because cherries contain vitamin A in a good amount.

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a poor health condition that can affect your chickens. And chickens are quite prone to inflammation. Cherries contain antioxidants and anthocyanin, which can reduce inflammation by protecting your flock from bacteria and viruses.

Improves Bone Health

Cherries are full of vitamins and minerals. Plus, cherries contain a good amount of calcium and a substance called boron. All these nutrients can improve the bone health and structures of your chickens.

Higher Metabolism

The b-vitamin complex present in cherries can help your chickens with higher metabolism. As a result, your chickens will remain energetic and active all day long. That’s why cherries are quite essential for your chickens during summer.

Improves Nervous System

The neurological function of your chickens will slowly improve when you feed them cherries. That’s because cherries contain a high amount of vitamin E. The central nervous system of your chickens will start to improve gradually.

Better Blood Clotting

If your birds are free-ranging, you’ll notice that bruises and cuts are common for them. So, you need to include cherries in their diet. Cherries contain vitamin K, which can improve their blood clotting process and prevent coccidiosis.

Muscle Growth

Apart from bone health, cherries can also lead to the healthy muscles of your birds. Potassium is present in cherries in a good amount. That’s the reason for their muscular growth and also nerve growth.

Improves Eggshells

Your chickens will be able to produce better eggshells if they eat cherries. That’s because cherries contain calcium in a good amount. Improved eggshells mean a secured birth and lives of the eggs.

How To Feed Chickens Cherries

No doubt cherries will be the best fruits for your flock.

How To Feed Chickens Cherries

And they’ll probably wait for the treat if they’re introduced to it safely. So, how can you feed your chickens cherries?

Let’s find out!

1.    Pitted Cherries

To remain worry-free, you can feed your chickens pitted cherries. There’s no chance of choking or toxication if you feed your chickens pitted cherries. Cherries without seeds will also be easier for them to peck at.

2.    Dried Cherries

Another way of treating your chickens with cherries is by giving them dried cherries. They’ll find the fruits easier to peck at without the pits and stems. But, dried cherries may contain concentrated sugar, which can affect your chicken’s health if you overfeed.

3.    Whole Cherries

Your chickens will probably be able to eat cherries without your help. If you provide them with whole cherries, they’ll safely peck at the flesh, leaving other parts. But, to be assured, you can check their feeding pattern initially.

4.    Trail Mix

Special treats can always make your chickens happy. So, you can prepare them by mixing dried cherries with dried worms, crushed oysters, etc. That’ll include a variety in their balanced diet also.

5.    From the Plants

Finally, if you have cherry plants at home, your chickens will pick up the fruits from the ground. That way, they’ll be able to hunt for their meals on their own.

Can Chickens Eat Cherry Pie?

Though cherries are highly nutritious, it’s better not to feed your chickens cherry pie.

Your chickens may like the taste of cherry pie too but it isn’t a healthy option.

That’s because cherry pie or any other kind of pie contains, a high amount of sugar.Sugar isn’t a healthy option for chickens as it’s just another form of carbs.

Chickens have very delicate digestive tracts, which can’t process sugar easily.

Excess amounts of sugar can also fatten chickens, which can lead to related health issues.

Can Chickens Eat Cherry Tree Leaves?

Yes, chickens can eat cherry tree leaves as they don’t contain any toxic substance.

But, whether your chickens will prefer eating the leaves or not depends on their choice.

They may start pecking at the leaves and discontinue after disliking the taste.

Can Chickens Eat Cherries Skins?

Yes, chickens can eat and digest cherries skins in moderation. Cherry skins are not only safe for your chickens but are extremely healthy.

Just like the flesh, cherry skins also contain a very high amount of essential nutrients.

Cherry skins are full of fiber, which can help your chickens by curing constipation. But, you need to feed your chickens with a low amount of cherries skins.

Otherwise, the fiber content in it may make delayed digestion and related issues.

Can Chickens Have Choke Cherries?

It’s better not to feed your chickens choke cherries. All types of cherries aren’t safe for chickens and choke cherry is one of them.

Apart from the flesh, every part of this cherry fruit contains a toxic substance named cyanide.

Cyanide poisoning can be very harmful to chickens, leading to several health issues. The toxicity in more than 0.25 percent of your chicken’s weight can even kill them.

So, it’s better to feed your chickens regular cherries.


Can chickens eat cherries? Yes, chickens can eat cherries safely.

Cherries are dense with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are great for your chicken’s health.

Now that you know how to feed your chickens with cherries, just follow the above tips.

But, make sure that you don’t overfeed them with cherries.

Instead, keeping a balanced diet for them will improve their growth faster.

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