Grow Onion From Seed

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Do you want to grow onion from seed?

Then, you’re on the right page as I’ll share some really useful tips.

I love growing veggies on the ninja homestead and onions are my all-time favorites.

Initially, I spent hours rectifying some huge mistakes that I’m aware of now.

Also, I’ve tried several methods like growing from onion sets, seeds, and transplants.

But lately, I’ve found that the ones growing from seeds are the best.

They are free of chemicals, packed with nutrition, and great taste.

And in case you think that growing onions from seed is difficult, you’ll be relieved after reading this post.

So, without any further delay, let me present a comprehensive guide on growing onions from seeds.

How To Grow Onions From Seed

Here’s how you can grow onion plants from seeds at home:

Choosing the Seeds

Onion seeds are not as long-lasting as some other vegetable seeds. So, you need to pick the right cultivar and use the entire pack within 1-2 years. And if you want to store your onions for winter, choosing cultivars with long-term storage ability will be beneficial.

Usually, onions are segmented into three types based on their sunlight and climate needs. These are known as day-neutral, short-day, and long-day cultivars. You need to choose a cultivar that’s ideal for growing in your location.

Sowing Seeds

You need to sow the seeds at least 8-10 weeks prior to the last frost date. You can either buy sowing containers or make them at home. You can also use recycled containers or pots as I do on my homestead.

To begin with, you need to moisten the seed starting mix with water. Then, pour the seed starting mix into the containers loosely. Next, you need to just sprinkle some onion seeds on top of the seed starting mix.

After spreading the seeds, you need to cover them with good quality soil. Finally, press down the soil softly so that the seeds are locked inside. You also need to ensure that your seeds are moist for germination.

Onion seeds require the right amount of warmth for germination. You need to cover these containers with plastic wrap and place a heat mat under them. Also, keeping them in a warm spot is essential.


Once your seedlings start to grow, they’ll become harder than before. In this stage, the plants can sustain cool spring temperatures. But you need to transplant them at least 4-weeks prior to the last frost date.

While transplanting your onion plants outdoors, you need to make them accustomed to the temperature and sunlight. It’s known as hardening off onion plants. But you need to increase the time gradually each day.

Based on the variety of onion plants, you need to set the distance of transplanting them. You can follow the label of your seeds pack to know it. To transplant, dig a little soil, place the seedlings, and put back the soil in place.

After transplanting, you need to water the onion plants on a regular basis. Onion plants need a good amount of water, which is required daily. But, you need to avoid overwatering also as that’ll spoil the plants.


You can harvest young onions or wait until they mature fully. A dry day is the most suitable for harvest and so, you need to stop watering before the harvest day. Onions are really easy to pluck once mature.

If you want to grow onion from seed, the above method will help you for sure. As mentioned above, I’ve tried various other methods but shared only the one with the ultimate result.

What Month Do You Plant Onion Seeds

The best time for planting onion seeds is 8-10 weeks before the last frost date of spring.

It might vary a little depending on which location you live in.

But, late March-April is the usual time for sowing onion seeds in the USA.

How Long Do Onions Take To Grow From Seed

Onions usually take 100-120 days to grow from seed. If you’re planning to plant onion sets, you need to wait for 60-80 days for them to grow.

How Long Do Onions Take To Grow From Seed?

That’s because onion is a long crop that needs a good amount of time to mature.

So, the ideal time to harvest onions is about 90 days from sowing seeds. Onion is a cool-season crop that prefers cooler weather. So, it becomes difficult for the onion bulbs to grow within a small amount of time.

Should I Soak Onion Seeds Before Planting

Yes, you need to soak onion seeds before planting as that’ll encourage faster growth.

The germination will be quicker in soaked seeds than the dry ones. However, many growers sow dry seeds as soaking isn’t mandatory.

I usually soak onion seeds in compost tea before sowing them. The seeds get proper nutrition from the tea compost, which also saves them from soil-borne diseases.

But, over-soaking is a common mistake that you need to avoid.

Do Onion Seeds Need Light To Germinate

No, onion seeds usually don’t require light to germinate.

You can place the containers in the shade until they sprout. But, once germination begins, the seedlings require 10-12 hours of light daily to grow healthily.

To grow onion from seed, you need an ideal temperature that’s neither frosty nor humid. Onions prefer the cool temperature of the spring season.

Though plants need sunlight, too much warmth can spoil their growth.

How Many Onions Do You Get From One Seed

From each seed, you get one onion seedling that produces one onion bulb.

In rare instances, 2-3 onions may grow from one seed.

But, that’s the most exceptional thing and I’ve never got such a cultivar.

How Often Do You Water Onions

Onions need more amount of water than some other veggies.

That’s the reason you need to water them daily on warmer days. Every week, onion plants require about 1 inch of water, which you need to ensure.

Deep watering is a method that requires you to water the plants well every alternate day. Rather than light watering every single day, you can try the deep watering method.

But, if the days are too hot and dry, you may need to water the plants daily.

How Deep Should Soil Be For Onions

The soils should be at least 1-1 ½ inches deep for onions.

So, after sowing the seeds on starting mix, you need to cover them with 1-1 ½ inches of soil.

It’ll ensure the healthy growth of the seedlings as they sprout.

How Do You Know When An Onion Is Ready To Pick?

The best thing about onions is that you can use them instantly after the fruits appear.

They need to be a useful size and you can pick them to add to recipes. Unlike most other veggies, you don’t need to wait until they grow to a certain size.

How Do You Know When An Onion Is Ready To Pick?

But, if you want to store onions, you need to wait a bit. The sign of matured onions is the flopping over of the leaves.

You can also check the condition by noticing whether the edges of the leaves have turned brown.

How To Sow Onion Seeds Indoors

I’ve already mentioned how to sow onion seeds easily at home. The method is apt for sowing onions indoors. You need to sow the seeds in the starter mix and cover them with moist soil.

Since onion seeds don’t need sunlight to sprout, sowing indoors is really hassle-free. But, you need to place the containers in a bright spot as soon as the seeds germinate.

While you grow onion from seed, you can also grow them indoors in pots. Now, I’ll share some tips on how to grow onions in pots.

How To Grow Onions From Seeds In Pots

You need medium-sized pots to sow onion seeds. It’ll ensure that the root gets enough room to spread. Once you prepare the starting mix and soil, you can simply sow the seeds inside them.

Which Soil Is Good For Growing Onions

Onions grow the best in loamy, loose soil. The soil needs to be full of phosphorus but low in nitrogen. Onions won’t grow well in heavy clay, which you need to avoid.

You can use well-rotted compost as your onion bed. It contains the right amount of nutrients that onion plants need. You can loosen the soil before sowing the seeds outdoors.

Can I Grow Onions From An Onion

Growing onions from an onion is possible. But, you need sprouted onions to try this method. All you need to do is sow the sprouted onion in the soil and wait for the seedlings to grow.

It’s important to water the seedlings regularly to ensure healthy growth. Also, you need to use good quality compost for your onion plant. Taking a little care will benefit you with premium quality homegrown onions.


Now that you know how to grow onion from seed, just go ahead and follow the above method.

Homegrown onions are dense with healthy nutrients that’ll boost you with lots of health benefits.

Additionally, these organically grown onions will be safe as they are free of harmful pesticides.

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