Can Chickens Eat Onions?

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Can chickens eat onions? Yes, chickens can eat onions but in a very limited portion.

Onions contain so many essential nutrients that’ll nourish your flock within a month.

That’s the reason many homesteaders prefer treating their birds with onions.

But, onions can also be bad for your birds as some substances in onions are toxic for other animals.

Did you know that onions aren’t suitable at all for dogs and cats? They are even bad for monkeys and horses.

Now you’ll wonder how can onions be safe for your birds then.

That’s because the substances unsafe for these animals are safe for chickens. These properties in onions won’t affect your birds unless you overfeed them.

But, can chickens eat onion scraps? Can they eat all varieties of onions? What’s the best way to feed onions to your chickens and in what proportion?

What are the health benefits of onions for your chickens? Are there any side effects of onions on chickens?

I’m going to answer all these questions and some more as you scroll down!

And all the experience is coming from my Ninja Homestead birds.

Surprisingly, some of my birds like onions while others never prefer eating the smelly fruit.

Then, how do I manage to add nutrition to all my birds?

I’m going to share a few tips as we proceed.

Can Chicken Eat Onion Scraps?

Yes, chicken can eat onion scraps in moderation. Almost all kinds of onions including white, red, green, yellow, and spring onions are safe for your flock. Chickens love to pick and eat table scraps and onion scraps can be their favorite.

Can Chickens Eat The Greens Of Onions?

Yes, chickens can eat the greens of onions or scallions. But, you need to avoid feeding them the tops of scallions. That’s because the tops can be harmful to your birds.

You can only give the bulbs of green onions to your chickens. These are absolutely safe for them. But, whether your chickens will love the bulbs or not, can’t be assumed.

Can Chickens Have Onions And Tomatoes?

Yes, chickens can have onions and tomatoes. Both onions and tomatoes are safe for them if you feed them in moderation. Onions are rich in vitamin B, C, and potassium. Tomatoes also contain similar nutrients as folate, and vitamin K in addition.

Onions and tomatoes are highly nutritious and can benefit your flock in multiple ways. But, you need to strictly avoid feeding your chickens the tops of scallions and the plants, leaves, and flowers of tomatoes. That’s because these parts of the fruits are toxic and can harm the chickens.

Can You Feed Chickens Onion Peels?

Yes, you can feed chickens onion peels. There’s no toxic element present in onion peels that’ll harm your birds.

But, chickens do not like to eat the peels and avoid them. I’ve seen our chickens leaving the peels and enjoying the flesh only.

How Do You Prepare Onions For Your Chickens?

Can chickens eat onions? Yes, but what’s the best way of feeding them onions? Here’s the answer!

How Do You Prepare Onions For Your Chickens?

You can prepare onions in the following ways for your chickens:

1.    Cooked Onions

The safest way to feed your chickens onions is by cooking them. You can boil the onions with water and then feed the flesh to your chickens. Try not to fry the onions with oil as that will add to the cholesterol level and harm your birds.

2.    Roasted Onions

You can also feed your chickens roasted onions. Just roast onions in a grill or oven and peel the skin once the onions are cool. Your flock will love to peck at the roasted onions all day long.

3.    Raw Onions

Uncooked onions are also good for your chickens. However, my flocks don’t prefer eating uncooked onions because of the raw smell. If your chickens can eat uncooked onions, you can simply peel the skin and finely chop the flesh.

4.    Mixing Other Foods

If you cook the onions for your chickens, you can also mix other treats like bugs to make it more delish. You can also mix soy or corn with onions for an ultimate meal. Since soy and corn will be average in nutrition, you can include bananas and tomatoes.

5.    Preparations to Avoid

Onion rings and dry foods with onions may not be safe for your chickens. Hence, you need to avoid these preparations when feeding your birds. Also, avoid oil and butter as the digestive tracts of your birds don’t suit them at all.

Why Can’t Chickens Eat Onions?

Onions are safe for your chickens but they may not like onions. When it comes to smelly foods like onions and garlic, chickens mostly dislike them. Instead, they prefer foods with lower smells such as tomatoes and bananas.

Another reason for which some people don’t prefer feeding their chickens onions is that it can affect the egg’s taste. Onions and garlic may lead to the poor quality of your chicken’s eggs. Though I cannot confirm this fact, many people avoid onions for these reasons.

Scientific Studies on Whether Chickens Can Eat Onions

As you know by now, there are reasons for which some people think that chickens can’t eat onions. But, there are scientific studies that have proven these reasons wrong. One such study is explained below:

·         Improve Body Weight

Studies have shown that onions can improve the body weight of chickens. Earlier, there was a notion that onions and garlic can affect a chicken’s body weight. In this study, chickens that ate onions improved their body weight and meat quality.

Can chickens eat onions? Yes, they can but what are the health benefits of eating onions for your birds? Let us quickly explore!

Health Benefits In Onions For Chickens

Onions are full of healthy nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins. They also contain some amount of protein. Hence, onions provide a lot of health benefits to chickens.

·         Provide Energy

The carbs present in onions provide a sufficient level of energy to the birds. Onions can keep your birds healthy and active all day long.

·         Decrease Inflammation

The fatty acids present in onions come from healthy bacteria, which help in proper digestion and thereby decrease inflammation.

·         Reduce Bloating

If your chickens have bloating issues, you can use onions instead of vinegar to reduce bloating, which works really well like vinegar.

·         Healthy Bones

Onions contain calcium and a good number of healthy antioxidants, which can lead to healthier chicken bones.

·         Dropping Blood Sugar Level

Onions contain a very good amount of antioxidants, which can keep the blood sugar level normal of your flock by reducing it.

Though onions provide so many health benefits to chickens, it’s a good idea to feed them in moderation. Otherwise, too much consumption of onions can lead to complications and health issues like anemia. Onion is considered toxic for cats and dogs because it triggers anemia in these animals.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Onions?

Yes, chickens can eat cooked onions. In fact, cooked onions are the best for your birds as they can digest them better. Also, the raw smell of onions decreases when you cook them.

As I’ve mentioned above, the best form of cooked onions for your chickens is boiled onions. Fried onions and spicy preparations may affect the health of your birds. Hence, you need to avoid the same.

Can chickens eat onions? Yes, both cooked and raw. But, what about red onions?

Can Chickens Eat Red Onions?

Yes, chickens can eat red onions without the skin.

Can Chickens Eat Red Onions?

Though the skin isn’t toxic, it’s difficult to digest. You can peel off the skin and boil or roast the red onions to feed your birds.

How Many Onions Is Good For Chickens?

Well, limited amounts of onions will do good to your chickens. But, do you know how much onions will be a limited amount? Well, your chickens can eat onions once a week so that the side effects don’t take place.

Some scientists claim that onions have no side effects on chickens. But, others have proven that onions are still unsafe as they have some toxic substances. Hence, you can feed onions to your birds only if they like it.

You can let your birds peck onions and if they don’t you need not force them. Onions are disliked by some birds because of the raw smell of that fruit. Hence, see whether your chickens like onion or not and then only feed them.

What Happens When Chickens Eat Too Many Onions?

If you accidentally feed your birds too many onions, you need to contact a veterinarian at the earliest. There might be symptoms showing discomfort. You shouldn’t delay as the condition can be worse.

The red blood cells of chickens reduce when they eat too many onions. As a result, physical conditions like anemia may occur that require proper treatment.

Check out this video by Country Living Experience: A Homesteading Journey below…

What CAN I Feed My Chickens To Keep Them Healthy And 10 Things That Will HURT Them?


Can chickens eat onions? Well, they can in moderation.

Onions are dense with vital nutrients but some people claim that onions can be toxic for chickens. But, I can tell you that onions are absolutely safe for your chickens in a limited amount.

And now that you know how much is the exact proportion of onions for your chickens, go ahead.

But, as I said before, don’t force your birds if they dislike pecking onions in their cage. In that case, you can try to include other meals that are safe and versatile.

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Can Chickens Eat Onions? They sure can, but in moderation. Some animals can't eat these at all... so why chickens? Find out here...