Fastest Vegetables To Grow (#3 is a super grower!)

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Wondering which are the fastest vegetables to grow?

Then, I’m sure you’re about to start your homestead garden too soon or you’ve already started gardening so far.

If I’m not wrong, you must be also looking for some useful tips to collect a large harvest.

Then, all you need to do is read this post thoroughly and follow my secret tips one by one.

As an experienced homestead gardener, I’ve created a sustainable lifestyle with my homegrown veggies and livestock.

Ninja Homestead is the perfect space for me, which I’ve built from scratch. And today, I’m going to help you all with some essential tips and tricks I’ve learned from my experience.

So, without any further delay, let’s begin!

What vegetables can grow in 2 weeks?

While most veggies grow quite quickly within about 60-70 days, you can try growing Radishes, Arugula, Baby Kale, and Green Onions within 2-3 weeks.

But, it totally depends on the cultivar you choose and the growing conditions you ensure.

What vegetable takes the shortest time to grow?

Broccoli, Beetroots, and Turnips grow really fast and I think these are the fastest-growing veggies in the USA weather.

If you sow the seeds in the right season, you can expect a quick harvest within 50-60 days. And to expect a quicker harvest, you need to choose the best cultivars.

Which plant will grow in 2 days?

Chives are plants capable of growing in 2-3 days. Being an amazing herb dense with lots of flavor and nutrients, chives can be the ultimate companion of your homestead kitchen.

And the easy-growing plant only needs sunlight and enough water to sprout healthily.

What is the easiest vegetable to grow?

Carrots, radishes, peas, cucumbers, and beetroots are veggies that you can grow very easily.

For this reason, these are perfect for beginners. And the best part is that most of these veggies get ready for harvest within 2 months of sowing the seeds.

Which plants grow within 10 days?

You can choose coriander or cilantro among other plants to expect harvest within 10-12 days.

Some cultivars are even faster, sprouting in only 7-8 days from sowing. And I’ll suggest sowing seeds to get a healthy harvest.

What can grow in 2 months?

Beetroots, kale, spinach, cucumbers, broccoli, green beans, and radishes are some great options.

All these veggies can be harvested within 2 months from the day of sowing seeds. Later in this post, I’m going to share my personal favorite veggies that grow within 2 months. So, stay tuned!

What vegetables can grow in 5 hours of sun?

Spinach, lettuce, kale, and leeks are some leafy greens that can grow in 4-5 hours of sun. If your garden doesn’t have plenty of sunshine peeping in, choosing these options would be safer. But, you can always invest in a greenhouse and install additional light to grow all kinds of veggies.

Now, I’m going to tell you everything about the fastest vegetables to grow in your homestead garden. So, keep scrolling!

My Personal List Of The Top 9 Fastest Vegetables To Grow (#3 grew so quickly I had to throw away the excess)

My Personal List Of The Top 9 Fastest Vegetables To Grow

1.      Beetroots

Beetroots usually grow within two months of planting. Some varieties like Early Wonder and Golden get ready for harvest within 55 days of planting. You can also opt for cultivars like Bull’s Blood both for the delicious roots and the dark purple leaves.

The best time to plant beetroots without protection is from March to July or under cloches in late February. You need to be a little attentive for harvest as larger roots often get woody and tough. So, harvesting slightly smaller would be the best idea.

What I like the most about beetroots is that every part of the plant can be used to prepare delish meals. For example, you can use the roots in salads, curries, grills, and more recipes. And the flavorful leaves are ideal for salads and pizza toppings.

2.      Turnips

Another versatile crop that lets you use both the roots and the spicy leaves, turnips are my all-time favorites. Cultivars such as the Purple Top Milan grow very fast within only 32-35 days. Other cultivars like Purple Top and Golden Ball are also my favorites.

Early spring to late summer would be the ideal time to plant turnips in well-drained, moist soil. You need to harvest once the plants are 4-6 inches in height to get the best crops. But, you need to make sure that you provide full sun and partial shade to the plants.

I prefer roasting the roots with other nutritious veggies like sweet potatoes and carrots. You can also use spicy greens in your salads and stir-fries. Another tasty recipe is to bake turnips with chicken or shrimp, cream or cheese, and a handful of mixed herbs.

3.      Kale

One of the easiest leafy greens to grow, Kale is dense with essential nutrients. Cultivars like Siberian Kale and Tuscan Cavalo Nero produce beautiful green slender leaves. These can be harvested within about 50-60 days of planting.

Kale prefers the cool season to grow and so, you can plant in early spring to expect tasty leaves. You need to provide well-drain soil and full sun to the plants. Freshly grown kale can add magic to your pasta, salads, and side dishes.

4.      Zucchini

Another favorite of mine because I just can’t resist the freshness of tender zucchini in my salad bowls. And so, I prefer cultivating in a huge quantity of varieties like Dunja, Black Beauty, Eight Ball, and others. When the veggies are about 4 inches long by 60 days, it’s the best time to harvest.

Once the last frost date is over, you can sow the seeds outside and to speed up germination, you can use a glass or plastic cover. You need to ensure direct sunlight for at least 5-6 hours and a warm temperature to expect the best harvest.

5.      Broccoli

A constant in my Ninja Homestead garden, Broccoli is enjoyed by every member of the family here. Green Magic, Romanesco, Destiny, and Belstar are the ones I’ve cultivated so far. The brassicas get ready for harvest within 60-70 days from sowing.

High in anti-oxidants, broccolis are part of our regular meal. And so, last time I planned to sow a larger number of seeds than usual. And the result was a massive harvest, which I had to distribute among my neighbors and discard.

The trick is to taste the soil and add an organic manner to improve its pH level before you start. And also provide the plants with plenty of sunlight and water. To keep the soil moist and cool, you can also do a little mulching. This way, you’ll ensure a quick harvest!

6.      Lettuce

My salads, wraps, and sandwiches are incomplete without fresh and juicy lettuce leaves. So, I prefer planting many varieties like Salad Bowl, Lollo Rosso, and Oakleaf apart from those regular Romanie and Iceberg. The leaves get ready for harvest within about 35-45 days.

Lettuce needs plenty of sunlight, moist soil, and 17 degrees C to 23 degrees C temperature to grow. Spring and fall are the best seasons to sow seeds or transplants. To harvest, try plucking individual leaves from multiple plants instead of plucking all from one.

7.      Spinach

I prefer adding more colors and textures to my recipes with spinach. So, I’ll suggest choosing among a wide variety like Golden Sunrise, Bloomsdale Long Standing, Baby’s Leaf, Avon, Lucullus, and Chard among others. These usually grow within 30-60 days from planting.

The best thing about spinach is that you can grow these plants throughout the year. But, I usually plant them right before my garden soil gets frozen after winter. Once grown, you can enjoy the luscious green leaves in your favorite recipes.

8.      Green Beans

My vegetable garden is incomplete without snap beans, the delicious summer veggies to add to stir-fries and side dishes. You can choose among different cultivars like Jade, Maxibel, and Contender that differ in color and size. These usually mature within 70-80 days from planting.

The best time to sow green beans or snap beans is late spring. To get a continuous harvest, I keep sowing every three-four weeks. Green beans are really easy to grow but make sure you provide the plants with plenty of sunlight and natural pesticides.

9.      Spring Onions

There are so many varieties of spring onions but I prefer Evergreen Long White, Crystal White Wax, and Tokyo Long White for their amazing color and flavor. A refreshing note can make your dishes supper yummy every time The young stems of spring onions can be harvested within 50-60 days.

You can sow the seeds in spring and pick them once mature outside in. That’s because it’ll ensure the growth of the plant isn’t curbed. Spring onions are a must in your homestead garden because they are packed with essential nutrients.

Now that you know which are the fastest vegetables to grow, let me answer some more questions related to the growing process.

What is the cheapest crop to grow?

Zucchini, garlic, tomatoes, corn, and mushrooms are some inexpensive options to start gardening.

You’ll get the seeds in local nurseries and online seed banks very easily. And the best part is that growing these crops is also easy except for mushrooms, which need a lot of care and attention.

What vegetable has the highest yield?

Cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli, and carrots are some good options if you want a large yield.

I’ve already shared my insights on how to grow most of these veggies and you can follow my tips to get the best yield.

How long do cucumbers take to grow?

Cucumbers are perfect options to grow in your home garden as they grow within 50-60 days from sowing seeds.

How long do cucumbers take to grow

But, it all depends on the cultivar you choose and the growing conditions you can provide. And the best time to harvest would be before the skin turns yellow.

Which plant grows within 24 hours?

Bamboo takes only a few hours to start growing and it’s known as the fastest-growing plant in the entire world.

But, among veggies, radishes and kale are the two fastest-growing plants.

Can you grow vegetables in 24-hour light?

No, I won’t suggest you grow your veggies in 24-hour light.

Though the seedlings can still manage to tolerate such heavy light, young plants won’t be able to tolerate that. It’s too much feeding to the plants which you need to avoid.


So, that’s all about the fastest vegetables to grow on your own!

If you’re a first-time grower, follow my above tips and I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful harvest.

Homegrown veggies are always special and I know you’ll start to connect emotionally to the plants just like me.

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