Can Chickens Eat Bananas?

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We love our chickens, and they are an important part of the Homestead Ninja family.

There are many fruits and veggies our chickens love, but can chickens eat bananas? The answer is YES, they love bananas!

You should absolutely feed these potassium-filled treats to your flock… but in moderation.

Due to the sugar content, you don’t want to binge feed bananas to your chickens.

I want my chickens to have a wonderful life on the Ninja Homestead, but I also want them to be safe. We should only be feeding our little ones foods that are not dangerous.

Let’s dive in to the love story that is chickens and bananas!

Can Chickens Eat Bananas?

You already know the answer! Now, let’s dig into some details.

Can Chickens Eat Banana Peels?

Yes, chickens can eat banana peels by chopping them into tiny pieces instead of eating the whole peels.

So, if you were worried thinking whether banana peels will be suitable for your birds, be assured that the only way banana peels can be harmful is by overfeeding.

Just like bananas, eating the peels in moderate to little portions is suitable for your flock.

That’s because they have smaller digestive systems than us humans. Their delicate digestive system takes more time to digest the meals and you should be careful about it.

Also, it’s important to wash the banana peels well before feeding your chickens.

You can consider boiling the peels as well to ensure proper digestion. It’ll destroy the harmful pesticides and chemicals that the sellers often douse the banana peels in.

Can You Feed Chickens Ripe Bananas?

Yes, you can feed your chickens ripe bananas. In fact, gooey overripe bananas are the favorites of chickens and other birds. And they are also easier to digest than underripe bananas.

Ripe bananas are also quite higher in nutrition if you compare them with the unripe ones. Your birds will not only enjoy the delicacy but also get healthier on them. But, as I’ve mentioned earlier, it’s good to measure the portion and never overfeed ripe bananas.

If you want to reduce your feed bill, you can approach a wholesaler to provide overripe bananas at discounted prices. Many wholesalers will agree to do that as customers usually don’t prefer overripe bananas. Instead of disposing of them, your wholesaler will sell them at a nominal budget to you.

How Do You Prepare Bananas For Chickens?

How Do You Prepare Bananas For Chickens?

Here are some quick ways to prepare bananas for chickens. You can try all of these methods as these are super easy.

1.     Banana Pieces

There are chances of choking if you feed the whole bananas. So remove the peel and cut the bananas into very tiny slices. Then, just serve them to your chicks and let them enjoy.

2.     Mashed Bananas

First, you need to remove the banana peels. Then, simply mash the bananas with a tool or your hands and feed your chickens. It’s the easiest way as mashing the banana flesh won’t take more than 2 minutes.

3.     Frozen Banana Pieces

In summer, one of the best ways to cool your birds is by feeding them frozen banana pieces. All you need to do is cut the bananas into small pieces and freeze them. Once they are chilled, your babies will surely enjoy this tasty treat.

4.     Boiled Banana Peels

Another great way to enrich your chickens with the goodness of bananas is to boil the peels. To do it, you need to chop the banana peels first. Then, cook them until they get tender and let them cool before serving.

Health Benefits Of Bananas For Chickens

Apart from being great nutrition supplements, bananas provide optimum health benefits to chickens. Here are some of them:

·       Improved Nervous System

The vitamins B6 and B12 present in bananas can improve the nervous system of chickens. When you feed bananas regularly, the vitamins can support healthy nerve functions.

·       Healthy Heart

Bananas are very rich in magnesium. It’s a macronutrient that your birds need as much as humans do. Adequate magnesium can ensure your chickens with a healthy heart.

·       High Energy

Vitamin B12 and some other nutrients present in bananas can boost the energy of your chickens. Hence, your birds will remain fit and active all day long.

·       Boosted Metabolism

Essential vitamins such as B6 and B12 give a boost to metabolism in humans and animals. Bananas are rich in these nutrients and can improve the metabolic rate of your birds.

·       Healthy Liver

Your chickens will get a healthy liver as they’ll get enough vitamin B12 from bananas. B12 is one of the most vital vitamins for liver health.

·       Great Skin

If you want your birds to have flawless skin and feathers, you can include bananas in their diet. That’s because bananas are full of useful nutrients that ensure skin health.

·       Stronger Eyes

The vitamins present in bananas also ensure the stronger eye health of chickens. Hence, bananas can be useful if you want your flock to have brighter eyes.

·       Calming Effects

The mental health of your chickens will also improve when you feed them healthy bananas. That’s because bananas contain magnesium, which can provide a calming effect.

·       Better Sleep

Magnesium in bananas also ensures a better sleep for your flock. Also, their improved metabolism will ensure the same by keeping them active during the day.

How Often Can Chickens Eat Bananas?

Your chickens can eat bananas once a week. But, it’s important to measure the serving portion. As a general rule, 1 banana is enough for feeding 6 chickens.

It means one-sixth banana (two tablespoons) once a week is okay for a single chicken.

If your chickens are on a balanced diet and they’re already healthy, bananas should make up 5 percent of their diet. It’s the standard limit for all types of fruits in their diet.

What Foods Are Toxic For Chickens?

Here are some foods that are toxic for chickens:

·       Avocado

Avocados, especially their pits and skins aren’t suitable for chickens. They can lead to heart or breathing issues.

·       Apricot

The leaves and pits of apricots aren’t good for your flock. Be very careful about these dangerous elements.

·       Tomato/Rhubarb Plants

You should never expose your flock to tomato or rhubarb plants. They can be extremely toxic, leading to severe health issues.

·       Beans

The consumption of dried or raw beans can be extremely harmful to your birds. It can even result in death.

·       Apple Seeds

Though apples can be the staple food of your flock, the seeds shouldn’t. That’s because the cyanide of the seeds is poisonous.

·       Other Plants

Some plants that can be toxic for your flock are oak, ivy, tulips, hyacinth, and castor bean. You should also keep your birds safe from plants like lupine, bracken fern, azalea, and rhododendron.

5 Things You Should NOT Feed Your Chickens

Can Chickens Eat Bananas? They certainly can! But which are the foods you should NOT feed your chicks?

Here are the 5 things that you should NOT feed your chickens:

1.     Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits can affect the egg production of your chicks.

2.     Wild mushrooms

Mushrooms that grow wildly everywhere can be toxic.

3.     Grass Clippings

Lawnmower or grass clippings can lead to stomach issues.

4.     Onions

For your chickens, digesting onions won’t be very easy.

5.     Foods with Mold

You should avoid kitchen scraps and foods with mold.

Are you wondering which foods are the best for your flock?

5 Foods You Should Feed Your Chickens

1.     Vegetables

Boiled broccoli, kale, carrots, beets, lettuce, and cucumbers are some good options.

2.     Fruits

Strawberries, watermelon, bananas, and blueberries are great options.

3.     Meal Worms

For the protein need of your flock, live or dried meal worms can be a very good option in moderation. (since they are also high in fat)

4.     Perennials

Roses, daylilies, daisies, and ferns are safe and proper food options.

5.     Herbs

Oregano, mint, lavender, basil, cilantro, and parsley are good options.

Can You Give Chickens A Whole Banana?

No, it won’t be a good idea to give a whole banana to a chicken. The right portion would be a one-sixth banana, which is about two tablespoons.

It means if you have six chickens on your farm, you can distribute one banana among them.

Giving a whole banana to a chicken will be overfeeding.

It will be extremely unhealthy for your flock. It can lead to issues like general unrest or feather picking.

If you see such symptoms, you can reduce the portion further and check.

Can Chickens Eat Frozen Bananas?

Can Chickens Eat Bananas? They do, but how about frozen bananas?

Yes, chickens can eat frozen bananas. In fact, frozen bananas keep them cool during summer. If you want to treat your babies with a healthy refreshing treat, go for frozen mashed bananas.

Can Chickens Eat Banana Bread?

Can Chickens Eat Banana Bread?

Yes, chickens not only can eat banana bread but it’s a delicacy for them. Chickens can eat banana bread because both banana and bread are suitable for them.

But, be very careful while measuring the portion.

If you overfeed your chicks on banana bread, it can lead to severe health issues. About two tablespoons of banana bread once a week will be the ideal portion.

Your banana bread can include other ingredients like fruits, and veggies. But, make sure you avoid moldy bread as it won’t be suitable for chickens.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Bananas?

Yes, your baby chickens will be glad to eat bananas.

But, make sure you only treat them with ripe bananas. Unripe bananas won’t be suitable for their delicate digestive system.

Now, you must be wondering how to feed bananas to your baby chickens. The best way would won’t change and would be to mash the bananas or cut them into very small pieces.


Chickens love bananas as well as banana bread.

They are not only yummy for their palate but also good for their tummy.

But, moderation is what you need to be particular about.

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