Can Chickens Eat Celery?

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Can chickens eat celery? Yes, your girls will love to peck at the crunchy and juicy veggie.

Celery is packed with essential nutrients, which can boost the overall growth of chickens.

But, can chickens eat whole celery? What’s the best way to feed your chickens celery? And which part of celery could be unsafe for your flock?

I will share all my experiences with chickens and celeries as you scroll down.

In my Ninja homestead, I make sure they eat a small amount once a week.

It’s important to measure the amount and provide a balanced diet to them.

So, without any further delay, let me answer all your questions below.

What Parts Of Celery Can Chickens Eat?

Chickens can eat the stalks, leaves, and roots of celery. In fact, celery is one of the highly nutritious veggies that your chickens can eat. It’s a source of multiple vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Celery is non-toxic and safe for your flock.

Feeding your chickens celery occasionally will lead to the overall healthy growth of your flock. But, you need to feed your chickens celery in moderation.

That’s because chickens need a balanced diet just like us. If you overfeed your chickens with celery, it can have a negative impact on their health.

Also, they may not be able to digest that much food.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Stalks?

Yes, chickens can eat celery stalks. But, I’ve seen that most chickens can’t peck at whole celery stalks. If you chop the stalks into tiny bites that can go into their mouth, they’ll enjoy it more.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Leaves?

Celery leaves are dense with nutrition and safe for chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Leaves?

In fact, the leaves contain more nutrients than the other parts of celery.

As the leaves are quite juicy, chickens usually enjoy them.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Scraps?

Yes, chickens can eat celery scraps if these are chopped into small pieces. But, if the celery scraps are too big for your chickens to peck at, they might dislike the food.

They might leave it after trying once or twice.

I prefer not to provide my chickens with celery scraps. If you want to ensure that your chickens get proper nutrition, you need to discard the scraps.

Instead, you can provide the leaves, stalks, and roots.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Root?

As I’ve mentioned above, chickens can eat the roots of celery. But, it’s important to provide a small number of celery roots to chickens. Also, if the celery is organically grown, it’ll be the best treat for them.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Seed?

Yes, chickens can eat celery seeds like us.

Chickens are omnivorous and they’ll eat celery seeds too.

But, you need to check the amount and provide a small portion to your chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Celery Pulp?

Yes, chickens can eat celery pulp in moderation. Celery pulp is a nutritious treat for chickens that ensures their healthy growth.

But, you need to provide celery pulp occasionally and in moderation.

Can Chickens Eat Cooked Celery? Yes, chickens can eat cooked celery. But, you need to make sure that the cooked food is healthy and not oily at all.

If you boil veggies with chopped celery, you can provide a small amount to your chickens.

How To Feed Chickens Celery

Now you already know that chickens can eat celery in moderation. And, they can eat different parts of the plant.

But, do you know how to feed your chickens celery?

Here are some ways in which you can feed your chickens celery:

Freshly Chopped Stalks

The easiest way to feed your chickens celery stalk is by finely chopping it. You can keep the chopped celery stalks in a bowl in their feeding area. Your chickens will love to peck at and eat the tasty treat.

Freshly Chopped Leaves

If you want to feed your chickens celery leaves, finely chop them and serve in a bowl. Chopped celery leaves are quite juicy and flavorful. Your chickens will be able to easily peck at the chopped leaves.

Chopped Celery Roots

You can chop the roots of celery and provide them to your chickens. Chopped celery roots are not only healthy but also easy to peck at and process. Your chickens will enjoy the treat for sure.

Boiled Celery

If you prefer to feed your chickens boiled food, you can do that with celery. Though celery itself is quite soft and moist, boiling makes it even more palatable. But, some vitamins will be lost if you boil.

Celery Pulp

If your chickens prefer pulps instead of solid food, you can feed them celery pulp. All you need to do is grind the stalk, leave or root and serve it in a bowl. But, make sure that the amount is very small.

Celery With Other Foods

I prefer feeding my chickens celery with other types of foods. You can add boiled veggies with celery for a balanced diet for your chickens. You can also add celery with other kitchen scraps.

Use Only Fresh Celery

Another thing that you need to make sure of is that you feed your chickens only fresh celery. Even if you give leftover celery, it should be fresh.

Organically grown celery is the best for your flock. That’s because it doesn’t contain harmful pesticides that commercially grown veggies may contain.

What Are The Nutritional Benefits Of Celery To Your Chickens?

Celery is high in a lot of healthy nutrients, be it fiber, vitamins, or minerals. The vegetable is crunchy and it contains a lot of water. It’s one of the best low-calorie treats for chickens in general.

Now, let us know which nutrients are present in celery and how they can benefit your chicken’s health.


Almost 95 percent of water remains in celery stalks, leaves, and roots. It means that celery is a perfect food option for chickens when they refuse to drink water. During the summer months, celery can provide proper hydration to your chickens.

Vitamin A

The vitamin A content of celeries makes the veggies perfect for the overall growth of your birds. It ensures the normal growth of chickens and boosts their reproduction system and quality. The epithelial cells of your chickens will be in a good condition too.

Vitamin B6

Celery contains a good amount of vitamin B6, which is required in your chicken’s diet. Vitamin B6 can help in the breakdown process of proteins or amino acids in your chicken’s body. Your flock will be able to process and digest proteins better.


To ensure the healthy growth of chickens, folate or vitamin B9 works really well. Celery contains this nutrient and so, it can save your chickens from folate deficiency. Your flock will be able to improve their tibia width and length from this nutrient.

Vitamin C

Like us, vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for chickens. The vitamin can boost immunity in chickens and keep them safe from cold and flu. The cell functions of your chickens will also gradually improve if you feed them celery.

Vitamin K

Health issues like coccidiosis won’t occur in chickens due to the vitamin K content in celery. The blood clotting system of your chickens will also remain intact when you feed celery. Also, vitamin K will improve the egg quality of your chickens.


As your chickens lay eggs, they need a good amount of potassium. Celery contains a very decent amount of this mineral, which can improve their laying process and egg quality. Your chickens won’t feel weak or sick during their egg production.


Celery contains a good amount of calcium, which can improve the bone health of chickens. Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that chickens are prone to. If you feed your chickens celeries, you’ll be able to prevent these conditions.


Celery contains phytonutrients, which are basically antioxidants. These substances can reduce inflammation in your chickens. The body fats as well as the blood vessel walls of your chickens will be protected from oxidative damage and inflammation.


Celeries contain a high amount of fiber, which adds to their crunchiness. Fiber is essential for your chickens as it can boost their bowel movement and digestive system. A good amount of fiber will also save your chickens from cardiovascular diseases.


Chickens need a good amount of manganese, which is a healthy mineral. It is required for better metabolism and reproduction of chickens. Also, manganese can improve your chicken’s blood clotting ability as well as their physical and mental growth.

Can Celery Be Harmful To Chickens?

Yes, celery can be harmful to your birds if you don’t chop it finely. The long fibrous stalks of celery can get stuck in the craw or neck of your chickens. It can choke the birds and even kill them.

As we all know, chickens don’t have teeth to chew foods and add to digestion.

They peck at foods with their beak and then process the food with the craw. That’s why it’s important to chop the celery before serving it to them.

Do Chickens Like Celery And Carrots?

Yes, chickens can eat celery and carrots.

Do Chickens Like Celery And Carrots?

You can provide both the veggies to them cooked or raw.

But, make sure you chop them finely and also measure the amount.

Can Chickens Eat Celery And Apples?

Yes, chickens can eat celery and apples.

Both celery and apple are packed with healthy nutrients.

A small amount of finely chopped apple without the seeds occasionally sounds perfect.


Can chickens eat celery?

Now that you know that your birds can eat the crunchy, juicy veggie.

But, again, you need to check the freshness and restrict the amount.

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