Can Chickens Eat Strawberries?

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Can chickens eat strawberries? The answer is Yes, they can!

Sweet and succulent, strawberries are easy treats for your chickens.

The chickens in our Ninja Homestead prefer a variety in their diet. And strawberries are one of the fruits they like the most.

But, what’s the best way to make the fruit more palatable for your birds? Is any part of the strawberry plant toxic for your chickens?

Well, raising chickens on our homestead is definitely a pleasing experience. And the concern about what all they can eat is valid, since your flock becomes like your children.

So, without any further delay, let me answer every question on chickens and strawberries!

Can Chickens Eat Strawberries Tops?

Yes, chickens can eat strawberries tops but not in a large quantity. Strawberries tops aren’t poisonous to chickens. But, a large quantity of strawberries tops can make them sick.

Just like with the strawberry leaves, your birds can eat the tops or the stems. You can also feed your chickens the leaves of the strawberry plants.

But, for both the tops and leaves, you need to feed in very small bits.

That’s because your chickens have delicate digestive tracts, which cannot digest some foods in large quantities.

Apart from digestive issues, there could be other health issues as well. Overnutrition isn’t a good thing for your chickens just like humans.

Can Chickens Eat Strawberries Plants?

Yes, strawberry plants are absolutely non-toxic for your chickens. So they can eat every part of the plant but in moderation. And if you can feed your chickens homegrown strawberry plants, that will be the best thing.

You shouldn’t worry about your chickens eating any part of the strawberry plant like the leaves and stems.

But, if you have strawberry plants in your home, make sure your chickens don’t eat too much from the plants.

Can Chickens Eat A Whole Strawberry?

Yes, chickens can manage to eat a whole strawberry. But, they love to peck at very small pieces of food in their cage. So, if you want to make the best treat for your flock, you can chop the strawberries into small pieces and feed them.

Also, eating a whole strawberry might not be safe for your chickens.

That’s because you need to check on the amount of food for your birds. Below, I’m going to explain how you can serve strawberries to your chickens and how much quantity is safe.

How Do You Serve Strawberries For Chickens?

Can chickens eat strawberries? Yes, they can. But, what’s the best way to make your flock happy with this juicy and delicious treat?

Let’s dig in deeper and find out!

Below are some ways you can serve strawberries to your chickens:

Though strawberries are a great source of essential nutrients, you need to go easy on them.

·         Use Chilled Strawberries

Just like us, our birds also tend to feel hot and tired on scorching summer afternoons. As a result, they love it when you give them a cold treat. You can chill the strawberries right before you want to feed your chicken.

How Do You Serve Strawberries For Chickens

You can take out some strawberries that you want to give to your chickens. Simply freeze the strawberries and then serve them to your chickens. They’ll cool down this way on steamy summer afternoons.

·         Never Give Moldy Strawberries

Moldy foods are quite harmful to chickens. You need to refrain from feeding your birds moldy strawberries. Otherwise, your chickens will feel sick after eating the molds on the strawberries.

Before serving the strawberries, check each strawberry well for the molds. If you see any mold growing on the strawberries, you need to reject the entire batch.

That’s because molds can make your birds dangerously sick.

·         Provide Enough Grit

When you’re introducing strawberries to your chickens, make sure you give them enough grit. Since strawberries contain a good amount of sugar, your chickens might not be able to digest the strawberries at first.

It’ll take some time for them to get introduced to this new treat.

So, it’s important to feed enough grit so that your chickens can digest the strawberries. In case you don’t know, poultry grit can be of two types: insoluble grit and oyster shell grit.

You need to give insoluble grit to your chickens as it helps them with digestion.

·         Prefer Fruits More Than the Plants

Though strawberry leaves and stems won’t kill your chickens, they can cause health issues.

If you’re wondering which part of the plant is the best treat for your birds, it’s always the fruit.

You can give strawberry leaves and stems to your chickens but in a very tiny amount.

Can Chickens Eat Strawberries And Blueberries?

Can chickens eat strawberries? Yes, but what about blueberries?

Yes, chickens can eat all kinds of berries such as strawberries and blueberries. In fact, a small number of different types of frozen berries should be included in their diet.

You can consider raspberries, blackberries, and grapes as well.

For all kinds of berries that you want to treat your birds with, fresh homegrown will be the best idea.

That’s because the berries you buy from the market may contain harmful pesticides, which can be toxic for your birds. Canned berries are also not good for your chickens.

How Many Strawberries Can Chickens Have?

Only 10 percent of your chicken’s total diet should include strawberries. It means strawberries can subsist for one-tenth of their total foods.

That’s because the digestive system of your birds lacks the metabolic ability for processing strawberries, which contain sugar.

The sugar content of strawberries is the main reason why you should limit the strawberries intake of your chickens. You can let your chickens eat strawberries once a week.

Also, you need to measure the amount according to the total weekly diet of your chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Strawberries And Raspberries?

Yes, chickens can eat strawberries and raspberries in moderation. But, you need to make sure that the fruits are soft and very ripe. Otherwise, unripe strawberries can create health issues for your birds.

Can Chickens Eat Strawberries And Raspberries?

Raspberries are packed with potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and manganese. There are multiple health benefits of eating raspberries for your birds. But, just like strawberries, raspberries can be an occasional treat for your chickens.

Unripe fruits aren’t safe for your flock because of their hardness and acidic properties. Chickens with their mild digestive tract can’t process these foods. Therefore, multiple health problems from mild to severe may occur.

Health Benefits Of Strawberries For Your Chickens

Strawberries work as a blood antioxidant for chickens. They are full of carbs, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B9, manganese, and potassium. So, they cause a lot of health benefits for your chickens.

  1. Strawberries can reduce and prevent inflammation in your chickens.
  2. As your chickens eat strawberries, the chances of heart disease will reduce.
  3. Strawberries are great when your chickens are getting obsessive.
  4. Improving the vascular function of chickens is one of the major health benefits.
  5. Oxidative stress can be reduced when your chickens eat strawberries.
  6. The blood lipid profile of your chickens can improve as you feed them strawberries.
  7. Bad cholesterol will reduce in the body of your chickens by eating strawberries.

Are Strawberry Seeds Toxic?

Can chickens eat strawberries? Yes, but are strawberry seeds toxic?

No, strawberry seeds are non-toxic and won’t harm your flock. But, feeding in a very low amount will be the best idea if you want to keep your chickens safe.

If you feed them too many strawberries with seeds, it can lead to indigestion and other health problems.

If you want to feed your chickens strawberries, there’s no need to remove the seeds. When you introduce strawberries to your chickens, check how much they can digest first.

Your chickens may need a little time to cope with the new diet but there’s nothing to worry about.

What Part Of The Strawberry Is Poisonous?

Strawberry plants and fruits are not poisonous and safe for your birds. But, the leaves and stems of strawberries contain a substance named hydrogen cyanide.

Though this substance isn’t life-threatening for your birds, it can cause some major health issues.

Another part of the strawberry plant unsuitable for your chickens is the strawberry calyxes. These are the sepals of strawberry flowers.

Eating this part of the plant or the strawberry flowers can cause digestive issues in your chickens such as diarrhea.

Can Chickens Eat Strawberries And Blackberries?

Yes, chickens can eat strawberries and blackberries. But, you need to check on the amount of these fruits because of the sugar content.

Chickens cannot process more than a limited amount of sugar present in these fruits.

Both strawberries and blackberries are superfoods for your birds. And your chickens will love to peck at them occasionally.

The best way to feed them strawberries and blackberries is by chilling them in the freezer.

Can Chickens Eat Strawberries And Grapes?

Yes, chickens can eat both strawberries and grapes.

These fruits are dense with vital nutrients that are required for the overall growth of your birds.

But, you need to measure the amount before feeding your chickens the fruits.


Can chickens eat strawberries? They can and they might love it. But, it’s better to limit the amount and provide a balanced diet with other foods and enough grit.

Your birds will grow healthily when you treat them with strawberries in moderation. It’s a perfect health boost that you can consider.

But, if you have a strawberry patch, don’t give your chickens free rein without checking.

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Juicy red, scrumptious, and healthy... but Can Chickens Eat Strawberries? They definitely can, let's hop into health benefits for your flock!