How To Grow An Apple Tree From Seed

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Wondering how to grow an apple tree from seed?

First, let me assure you that it’s absolutely possible to grow apple trees from seed.

Being a homesteader, I used to feel really guilty for throwing out the apple seeds.

And so, I made extensive research and found out the right way of growing apples.

Today, I have two apple trees of four years old and they’re thriving in our garden.

In two-three years, they’ll start to bear fresh, juicy fruits.

If you’re as excited as I am, scroll down and try the method below!

Can You Grow An Apple Tree From A Seed?

Yes, you can grow an apple tree from a seed at home.

All you need is a good quality seed that you can buy online or from a local nursery. Or, you can also collect apple seeds from apple fruits in your kitchen.

But, some homesteaders prefer growing apple trees from saplings. I don’t prefer that as I’m unsure whether they contain harmful pesticides or not. Though the process is quicker than growing from seeds, I’ll recommend you try my easy method.

The best thing about homegrown apples is the organic process that makes them safe for all. As you’ll plant the tree from seed, you don’t need to fear chemicals in pesticides. You need to be patient and caring to get the best result.

Now, the question is, how to grow an apple tree from seed? I’ll just come to that!

How Do You Plant An Apple Seed?

If you want to grow a healthy apple tree on your homestead, follow the steps below!

Preparing the Seeds

Apple seeds are quite dormant and first, you need to break that dormancy.

Cold stratification is the best way to do it. The method is really simple and all you need is a paper towel.

First, you need to moisten the paper towel and place the seeds on top of it. Then, you need to pack the towel inside a good quality plastic bag leaving it open. For about 5-6 weeks, you need to store these seeds in a refrigerator.

The seeds will start to sprout within this time. You can check the seeds often to make sure the seeds are sprouting.

That’s because apple seeds don’t have a high germination rate and only a few seeds will sprout.

Preparing the Soil

Once the seeds are sprouted, it’s time for preparing the soil.

Though you can begin with a seed starting soil, I’ve planted with old soil from my garden bed. And the result I’ve seen is really impressive.

For this reason, I suggest any soil for planting apple seeds. But, if your soil doesn’t drain well, you can improve it by mixing compost or manure. Fertilizer also works when it comes to making well-drained soil.

At the time of transplantation, you need to prepare the soil by raking and leveling. Also, if your garden bed has dirt and weeds, you need to carefully remove them.

Apple trees grow their best in clean, well-drained soil.

Choosing the Location

Depending on the weather, you can either choose to sow the seeds outdoors or indoors.

If it’s too cold outside, the best thing would be to do it indoors or in a greenhouse.

A sunny windowsill will also be an ideal spot for your apple seeds.

Finding the Container

The best part is that you can plant apple seeds in any small container of your choice.

I planted them in my old containers of 5-6 inch diameter.

You can also choose a seed starting tray if you already have it in the homestead.

Sowing the Seeds

Sowing apple seeds is really easy and you don’t need any equipment.

Simply dig a 1-2 inch hole in the starting soil using your fingertip and place the seeds inside. Then, cover the seeds gently with the soil and you’re done.

After sowing the seeds, the first thing that you need to do is water the pot. It’s essential to keep the soil slightly moist for the seedling to grow.

As soon as you spot leaves emerging, you need to make sure that the plant gets enough sunlight.


Once seedlings emerge from your apple seeds, it’s time to transplant.

You need to find a sunny and airy location in the garden where you’ll transplant the seedlings. Make sure that the seedlings are at least a few inches in height when you transplant.

So, that’s how to grow an apple tree from seed!

How Long Does It Take For Apple Seeds To Germinate?

Apple seeds usually start sprouting within 5-6 weeks.

But, it can take more than that also depending on which variety you’re planting. Some cultivars may need even 65 to 90 days of time to sprout.

But, you need to make sure that the paper towel is wet during germination. If the paper towel dries out, you need to add moisture again in it.

And if the paper towel gets waterlogged, you need to soak the excess moisture.

How Long Does It Take To Grow An Apple Tree From Seed?

It usually takes 7-10 years to grow an apple tree from seed.

How Long Does It Take To Grow An Apple Tree From Seed?

You need to wait this long to see your apple tree bearing fruit.

But, again, it will mostly depend on the cultivar you’re planting.

When Should Apple Trees Be Planted?

The best time for planting apple trees is in spring in cold climates.

So, it means you can plant apple trees any time between December and March.

But, if you’re living in a humid area, late fall or early spring will be the ideal time.

How Many Apple Seeds Does It Take To Grow A Tree?

Usually, it takes only one apple seed to grow a tree.

But, I’ll suggest you need at least two apple seeds to grow a tree healthily. To produce the best quality fruit, these two seeds will pollinate each other.

But, as I’ve mentioned above, apple seeds are not the ones with the best germination. So, you need to collect three times more seeds than you’re expecting to plant.

If you want to plant 5-6 trees, you need to collect at least 15-18 seeds.

Why Do Apple Seeds Grow Different Apples?

Apple trees, by nature, can’t produce fruits that are true to type.

It means that the fruits may hugely vary from their parents.

And it’s evident in all cultivars across the globe.

How To Grow An Apple Tree Indoors

Apple trees aren’t the best to grow indoors.

That’s because these trees are quite hardy and they need proper light exposure to grow. You can start apple seeds indoors but you need to always transplant them.

I’ve already explained the method of sowing apple seeds indoors. You need to follow the same method and then proceed with transplantation.

If you have a greenhouse, you can start your apple seeds there as well.

How To Grow An Apple Tree From An Apple

To grow an apple tree from an apple, you need to collect its seeds first.

Then, you need to germinate the seeds and sow them in pots. Finally, as the seedlings emerge, you need to find a suitable spot outdoors for transplantation.

That’s how you can grow a tall and healthy apple tree from an apple. It’s really interesting how the entire process is so easy.

But, what you need the most is patience as the tree will need years to grow.

How To Make Apple Trees Grow Faster

Apple trees need at least 5-7 years, depending on the cultivars, to bear fruits.

There’s no way you can make them grow faster than this. But, you can try some useful methods to make them grow healthily.

The best way to enhance the growth of your apple trees is by using fertilizers. You can buy good quality fertilizer online or from a local store.

Adding it to the soil by following the instructions will secure the growth of your apple trees.

Do You Need To Dry Apple Seeds Before Planting?

No, there’s no need to dry apple seeds before planting.

The seeds usually germinate in a few weeks after soaking them. Once they germinate, you can directly sow them in pots without drying.

To know how to germinate the seed, follow the above method of how to grow an apple tree from seed.

Can You Grow Apples From Store-Bought Apples?

Yes, you can definitely grow apples from store-bought apples.

All you need is to collect the seeds without throwing them out.

And then, you need to follow the above method to prepare the seeds for germination.

How Often Should You Water Apple Seeds?

Apple trees don’t need much water to grow.

You know the saying "An Apple a Day... ", well you now have a homestead and should learn how to grow an apple tree from seed. Become an expert here..

You can water them once a week and that’ll be enough.

Some homesteaders water their apple trees once in 10 days or two weeks as well.

How Long Does An Apple Tree Live?

Apple trees can live for 50-80 years if they’re healthy. There are instances of apple trees living for more than 100 years. But, after 50 years of age, they might not be able to produce the best fruits.

Why Are My Apple Seeds Not Germinating?

If your apple seeds aren’t germinating, it can be due to a lack of moisture. You need to check whether the paper towel is moist. Also, it can be due to poor-quality seeds with very low germination rates.

Why Won’t My Apple Trees Produce Apples?

Your apple trees need at least 7-10 years to produce apples. So, you need to be patient and wait until they bear fruit. But, if your apple trees aren’t producing apples even after that, it could be some other reason.


Now that you know how to grow an apple tree from seed, just go ahead and get started!

I hope the above method and tips will help you in the process.

If everything goes right, you’ll be able to savor juicy and fresh homegrown apples in some years.

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